Holy crapoly. Back to school today. I did really well, got up at 5:15 AM. AM!!!!!! and had a yoghurt. (Had to force it in but it did the trick, I am sure my body will get used to having food foisted on it at such and unreasonable hour eventually. After all, aversion to food is not what got me here blogging about losing weight, hur hur.
Got on elliptical. Did 30 minutes of that which was broken into parts as I could not push through as well as I might later in the day. (Have yet to do 30 minutes without a pause for horrified breathing anyway though).
Got weights and mat out. Did some really bad weight training. Well so-so weight training. Well kind of more weight dancing than training.
Ate a very healthy breakfast of wholegrain cereal and blueberries and stuff.
Got myself ready to leave the house by about 7:10am (I was walking so needed to get going).
Spent the morning feeling totally awesome and full of beans.
Endured hours, I mean HOURS of meetings broken up only by one 15 minute break and an hour for lunch. Tried to be productive at 3pm but ended up in the cafe buying cookies and coffee. This is really the only solution to meetings. Because meetings are brain fry-ers.
I will be OK. I guess. I need to get my head around these calories though. And I need to stay the hell away from that cafe.
Aim for tomorrow before school: Do the elliptical, or at least walk elliptically away from that cafe.